EXCEL 計算小數與無條件捨去小數點後的問題 (第1頁) - 文書處理 - Mobile01 所以我的計算過程就是 ROUNDDOWN(17369/341*31,0),在EXCEL裡得到1579 的答案。 但是會計卻跟我說應該是1578。因為: 17369 / 341 * 31 = 1578.999999999 捨小數後,等於1578。 用計算機按,17369/341=50.9354838709,然後再乘與31等於1578 ...
vba - ROUNDDOWN in Excel - Stack Overflow I have a rundown code in Excel. It returns a decimal value when it should return a date value. The value in the cell K5 is 2011-08-16 18:29:58 and the value in O5 is 3. =IF(AND(K5>(ROUNDDOWN(K5,0)+0.75),O5=6),ROUNDDOWN(K5,0)+3.375,IF(O5=7 ...
RoundUp and RoundDown in VBA - MrExcel.com Dear All, I tried to use the functions roundup and rounddown in VBA but it does not ... Don't know why I countn't find INT in the HELP of Excel.
RoundDown Function Not Working In My VBA Code - MrExcel.com RoundDown(C5, 0) Exit Sub SingleServDollar: MsgBox "Error with Solver ... I am using excel 2007. ... Why not just use the VBA function Int?
how to round (roundup; rounddown) in formulas in Excel VBA ... 31 Jan 2012 ... how can I round a value from a formula in VBA? can I use the ROUND, ROUNDUP, etc? How? What is the sintax? thank you.
INT, ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN, & ROUND - Excel User Excel's four better-known functions for rounding numbers are: INT, ROUND, ... Formulas, Data, & VBA ... Compare ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN to ROUND.
Excel VBA示例:Round/RoundDown/RoundUp以及四舍五入| 不可思忆 2009年2月28日 ... Excel VBA示例:Round/RoundDown/RoundUp以及四舍五入. 使用VBA处理财务 计算相关的业务时总会遇到小数或者整数舍入的情况,这个时候就 ...
RoundUp / RoundDown in VBA ? - dBforums On the cell if I put RoundDown(1234, -1) it gives me 1230 but I could not find a. ... What actuary is trying to say is that you can use excel functions in vba by using ...
Rounddown problem in VBA - PC Review application.command(...) accesses the excel formulae >-----Original Message----- >Hie, i have problem rounding down a value using VBA. Can
Excel ROUNDDOWN Function Excel Rounddown Function - Rounds a Supplied Number Down to a Specified Number of Decimal ... ROUNDDOWN( number, num_digits ) ... Excel VBA Tutorial.